
Front Desk Announcement - 04

I've been thinking it might be a good idea to start writing this blog in spanish. Yes, Starting today, November 3, "Motel de Moka" will be written in Spanish. Well, maybe in "chicano" fashion, the titles and subtitles (laundry room, bedroom rockers and elevator beat) will remain in English. If there's something important to say about the links I'll write it in both languages, and maybe I'll add some brief descriptions about the music... I don't know... this is a test, if it doesn't work this way, everything will be back to normal by beginning of December.
The most important thing on an mp3 blog is the music, anyways.

A partir de hoy, el "Motel de Moka" sera escrito en espanol mal redactado, puedo enlistar dos razones principales: mi dominio del ingles es primitivo y la mayor parte de los que entran al blog son de habla hispana.
Esto se mantendra como una prueba. Si no funciona del todo bien a principios de Diciembre lo volvere a escribir en ingles.
Digo mal redactado porque blogger es de origen gringo y no permite el uso ni de acentos ni de eñes <--ven lo que sucede. Ademas de que el que redacta esto es un idiota.


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