The result of unknown cerebral tumors and black masses, provoked by deep urban inhaling.

(unreleased, 2006)
Low - monkey (bob mould remix)
(tonight the monkeys die Ep, 2006)
Midnight Juggernauts - tombstone
(secrets of the universe, 2006)
We are wolves - vosotros, monstruos
(Non-Stop Je te Plie en Deux, 2005)
The motel de moka fund drive is almost half it's goal. We're all very thankful and I will be soon emailing personally each one of the donators for hugs and kisses. If you too wish to make a donation please visit our donate page. Thank you, once again.
Image: My current favorite, Moira Hahn. Marvellous mixture of japanese pop culture with 17th century ukiyo-e. Behold the truth that everything that is not tradition is plagarism.
At 9:53 AM, November 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
i think that low remix is from 2005 and not 2006.
At 11:57 AM, November 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Good music :)
At 12:26 PM, November 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
holas moka
la cancion de you are the music esta my buena. hace una semana baje (es decir compre, ejem...) el de trentemoller y me encanto. ya es de mis discos favoritos del año. GUIJA!
Gracias por el link del artista, tambien, mi favorita es la de los astroboys
At 12:54 PM, November 05, 2006,
Moka said…
Ah... the anonymous compliments... mmm, okay just checked and you're very right anonymous the ep was released december 2005 but was globally released apr 2006.
Glad you're enjoying the music blackwyrm :D
Omar: el de trentemoller tambien me ha gustado mucho. tal vez solo sea yo pero la de take me into your skin me recuerda muchisimo a la de windowlicker de aphex twin por la manera en la que va progresando hasta el climax en el ultimo minuto. probablemente ya la has oido y reoido pero te la recomiendo tambien.
At 6:45 PM, November 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Stars forever!
do as momus:
write a text and dedicaite it to each of the donators...
here whit them what they want to post on molka and then you find music in the same genre.. momus-cratic!
At 3:13 PM, November 06, 2006,
Bushwick is Beautiful said…
Good to see the Low remix getting some love at hype machine. It's in the top 50 today.
At 11:01 AM, November 07, 2006,
Moka said…
anonymous: momus-cratic? I honestly have no idea what you talking about but I did understood what you meant and I think it's a really good suggestion will consult with our donators.
b.i.b.: thanks for the heads up :)
At 6:23 AM, November 08, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Momus (an artist) came up with an idea that he would make an album obout 30 people who would help him with money for a law suit.( he wrote a son about wendy carlos a person who made a gender operaton, and then he got sued).
just an idea.... (the album is called stars forever, and is very good)
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