Crutch dance

Gnarls Barkley - crazy
Jimmy Edgar - my beatz
Papas fritas - way you walk
Klapto - queen of the night
Etienne Daho - le grand sommeil (sweetlight remix)
Bran Van 3000 - astounded (feat. Curtis Mayfield)
Erlend Oye - if I ever feel better
Chelonis R Jones - na na na
Hot Chip - down with prince
Eliot Lip - rap tight
Kudos to jk for helping me through my static weekend.
Image: Adrian Johnson.
At 9:02 PM, March 24, 2006,
Anonymous said…
que paso?
At 9:07 PM, March 24, 2006,
Moka said…
pues no mucho, mi pie derecho sufrio un pequeño incidente y no puedo manejar fuera de aqui. Supongo que me quedo en casa este viernes contra voluntad.
gracias por preguntar :), intente bailarle a tus selecciones de "qool girls" pero le pise la cola a mi gato y tuve que dejarlo por la paz...
At 9:20 PM, March 24, 2006,
Unknown said…
Did you get a headphone? Should we send you a nice one?
At 12:06 AM, March 25, 2006,
Anonymous said…
now this is nice. greetings from sweden.
At 3:11 AM, March 25, 2006,
Juan Leonel said… realmente genial tu blog!!! excelente aporte!!!!
hi... it's really awesome your blog!!!
great job !!!
espero ke nos sigamos comunicando!!!
i hope so we follow comunicated between us
God Bless You
At 4:05 AM, March 25, 2006,
Eric Balearic said…
Very nice list indeed! Really happy to see the Gnarls Barkley! You'll have to learn how to dance like Daniel-San in Karate Kid for awhile.
At 5:12 AM, March 25, 2006,
Anonymous said…
great mix
have to say that 'if i ever feel better' was actually done by phoenix, not erlend oye
At 11:25 AM, March 25, 2006,
Eric Balearic said…
The track If I Ever Feel Better was on Orland Eye's DJ Kicks, but it is a Phoenix track, from their first album United. That is a highly underated album. I posted a track from it last week called Too Young. That Eliot Lip is for teh win! Hope you're foot is ever feeling better!
At 11:58 AM, March 25, 2006,
Eric Balearic said…
Oops! Other way 'round, Erland Oye! ;P
At 1:17 PM, March 25, 2006,
Moka said…
Squashed: No unfortunately I still don't have any headphones, but don't worry I think I already know who can donate me ones ;) I was telling gil that I was trying to dance yesterday but I accidentally stepped on my old cat's tail. Poor clio... this was a very boring friday... hope someone will ride me far away from here today...
Juan leonel: que alegria saber que te han gustado las selecciones, nos mantenenos en contacto de seguro. eo por cierto, tu sidebar tiene letras diminutas que no puedo leer, no se si esta hecho a proposito pero si necesitas una ayudadita con el codigo me dices.
Makrugaik: lol, can you believe that I've never seen "karate kid"? but I think I know where you're going with the daniel-san dance :D.
Mayumi and makrugaik: yes I know this is a song by phoenix, erlend oye just did the remix and added his own vocals on the chorus, if you download the song you'll notice that I have it credited as phoenix and not as erlend oye. Maybe I should edit the post... btw, too young is one of the catchiest tracks I've ever heard. Nice pick ;).
Madpercolator: que alegria saber que por lo menos alguien ha salido beneficiado de mis penas (jijiji), Erlend Oye saco ese disco hace unos dos años y te lo recomiendo bastante, la mayoria de las selecciones que usa de dj demuestran que tiene muy buen gusto. te mando un besito roto.
At 2:32 PM, March 25, 2006,
Eric Balearic said…
I thought it sounded a bit different. I saw the Phoenix credit, I was just confused by the fact that the vocalist sounded like the Phoenix guy, I thought it was meant to be a cover. I haven't heard that DJ Kicks before, so I wasn't sure. Speaking of DJ Kicks, do you know those Kruder & Dorfmeister dudes? Their DJ Kicks wasn't too bad but the K & D Sessions was awesome. I'm thinking you probably know this stuff already, but I just thought it was worth a mention!
At 2:41 PM, March 25, 2006,
Unknown said…
Makrugaik said... "
I think DJ Kicks is Thievery corporation's album. I love that. Tho' most people like Thievery corporation's later works.
(I think I should post a thievery corporation "Porno 3003" that piece is great. I have to do a small pearl jam blurb too. .. hmm so many things so little bandwith)
At 2:47 PM, March 25, 2006,
Unknown said…
oh before I forget, I am planning to post a series of lists introducing 'experimental electronica'. Let's see if I can introduce difficult new sound, in fun ways. (Think 'matmos')
Anybody want to go along and jump the bandwagon with me? :D Hey, everybody else is still posting danceable punk on larger mp3 blogs.
proly I need carl's help with this one. he is the electronic expert around here.
At 3:17 PM, March 25, 2006,
la chose entropique said…
as i'm french, i'm very surprised to see a track from etienne daho "le grand sommeil". i was very young when i danced on it in the "boum". it is indeed great. and i'm very happy to listen to this remix. yeah!
At 3:21 PM, March 25, 2006,
Unknown said…
the ghost in machine said... "
hey I like your blog style.
At 3:53 PM, March 25, 2006,
Moka said…
I agree with squashed, nice blog you've got there, ghost.
At 12:34 PM, April 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
First, I want to tell that I'm found of your blog. I love the presentation et the choice of your music.
And... thank you very much for this great selection. All songs are very good !
By the way, I'm like "the ghost in machine" from France and the Etienne Daho remix is a original surprise !!
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